Fees & Charges - Miscellaneous


Description / Service
Charges / Fees*
Credit / Account Inquiry / Confirmation

i. Confirmation Letter to EPF plus to certify documents from borrower


RM20.00 per account/per request
ii. Confirmation of Company’s Accounts:  

Endorsement of the status of company’s accounts which is to be attached to the tender submission


Confirmation of the account’s authorised cheque signatories for purpose of renewal of the Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor license.



Other confirmation of company’s accounts and authorised signatories (other than the above)



iii. Single page letter of confirmation on
Credit matters
• Audit confirmation
• Banker’s Inquiry
• Reference letter on financial position e.g. for further study request etc
• Listing / confirmation of monthly interest / profit debits on financing and advances
• Other Confirmation


Current Month
RM 30.00 per account
Up to 1 year
RM 50.00 per Account
Up to 2 years
RM 100.00 per Account
Above 2 years
RM 200.00 per Account
Postage charge for cheque returned
i. Customer collect over the counter No charge
ii. Image Return Document sent by registered mail Min RM5.00
Request for Financing Redemption Statement RM50.00 per account
Faxing of documents to customers RM2.00 per page


Photocopy of old records/documents other than account statements

i) Archived at the bank
- Up to 12 months RM10.00 per request
RM2.00 per page
- Above 12 months RM10.00 per request
RM5.00 per page
ii) Archived at external service provider's premises
If travelling to warehouse is not required RM40.00 per request
RM5 per page
- if travelling to warehouse is required RM50 per request
RM5 per page
Photocopying of credit documents
i. Without confirmation or certification of documents RM2.00 per page; min RM10.00
ii. Requires checking beyond one year RM75.00 per account /per request
Requests for Account/Financing statements
i. Up to 1 year ago RM10.00 per request
  RM2.00 per page
ii. More than 1 year ago RM10.00 per request
  RM5.00 per page

*Subject to Government Tax, if applicable

For enquiries connect with us online or drop by your nearest Hong Leong Bank Branch.