Let's get started

Let's get started

Let's get started

Almost there! Please ensure your details are correct

Account Details

Account Type


Purpose of Account


Personal details







Employment Details



This field is mandatory.

Key in the 6-Digit OTP
sent to your mobile

{{ exceedLimit ? '' : (otpMandatory ? 'This field is mandatory.' : (otpError ? '' : ''))}} Did not receive TAC? Resend Now

Thank You {{formCustom['fullName'].$viewValue}}!

Your reference number for this application: {{formCustom['applicationRefNumber'].$viewValue}}

Please check your email for details on how to activate your new account and visit your nearest Hong Leong Bank/Hong Leong Islamic Bank by 2024-09-25

Your application has been locked!

Your application form has been locked because you entered an incorrect One-Time Password (OTP) too many times. Please come back after 1 hour from now to continue your application. Click Resume Application on our Homepage (www.hlb.com.my).

Your application has been cancelled!

As a security measure, your application has been cancelled because of repeated invalid One-Time Password (OTP) entered. Please start a new application on www.hlb.com.my.

Your application is in progress!

We will send you an email with an updated status and more details. 

Your application has been saved!

We are unable to complete your application at the moment. An email is on its way to you with How-To instructions to resume uploading the necessary documents for your application later. 

Your application has been saved!

An email is on its way to you with How-To instructions on resuming your application later.